Pepper Attack “Key NFT” Sale Unlocks Future Profits for Pepperfam
The upcoming play to earn game Pepper Attack enjoyed an incredible level of success during its “Palentine NFT Key” sale this February. The sale launched, appropriately, on February 14th, 2022. Every Key NFT provided the buyer with an up-front 4,000 MYTE bonus. “MYTE” is the game’s governance token.
Each key is minted at the cost of 30 MATIC, which is just under $60 USD. In addition to the immediate 4,000 MYTE bonus, each mint of the NFT also gives the holder a chance to play the “Fluky Maze” game, promising around half of them an additional random amount of MYTE, ranging from 500 to 100,000.
One lucky minter has already claimed a 100,000 MYTE prize, with other 100k prizes still available to future players/key holders. Keys are still available at for those who want to get some MYTE at a pre-public cost, as well as play the game with the potential to win more.
The Fluky maze game enlists the aid of one of the game’s new characters “Purira”. Purira assists you in your search for treasure, and either you enter the room with Purira’s help and claim the treasure, or encounter a monster guard at the door and receive nothing. Purira is the newest pepper announced to enter the game, as well as the first “Lady Pepper”.
“Purira” has been added to a list of other Peppers Classes that include the Ghost, Habanero, Chili, Reaper, and Bell Peppers. The Pepper types not only vary in class, but each has its own individual attributes that include Hit Points, Damage, Evasion, Energy and others. 10,000 “Mystic” Peppers have already been released, and have the exclusive ability to “mine” additional daily MYTE.
In addition to the “Mystic” Peppers that for many, are already earning tokens on a daily basis, the game-only “playable” peppers will be available for minting in the near future. This will be the first release of this new pepper type, and will be the basis for all gameplay in the future. Many different pepper types are planned, and will be diverse in both appearance as well as the skills they posses.
While still in an alpha stage and changes are certain, this approach allows players to collect a number of different Peppers that vary both in skills and strength. It will also create a system of collectable assets that due to limited quantity releases, offer collectors the opportunity to not only play the game, but mint to hold as a collection, and later sell for a profit.
All peppers will be played in the Pepper Attack metaverse, with multiple ways to earn profits. More passive players can hold the “Mystic Peppers”, and earn daily passive rewards without actively participating. A limited number of Mystic Peppers can still be minted at , and sent off to “mine” tokens and begin to earn passive rewards immediately.
MYTE tokens will also be earned by playing the game on a daily basis, as well as participating in PvP challenges and/or profiting from buying and selling both character NFTs and boosts, buffs and more on the marketplace. Pepper Attack will be available to play on a limited beta basis some time in March, and on a more “open” beta soon after. To play, a Pepper NFT character is required.
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